The Fun Way to Explore the 828
Choose one of our curated, self-guided trips or free rides, then pick your UTV, side by side, Slingshot, or Jeep. Head out from our HQ in Sylva, NC, for a day of either off-roading on the Wayehutta OHV Trail System or one of our scenic tours of area landmarks, waterfalls, and exploring our unique mountain towns. We're the only rental company that can get you to the Wayehutta OHV Trail System driving on UTV legal roads without needing to trailer machines.

Unique Adventures
Exploring the backcountry of the Blue Ridge mountains is the best way to see the natural beauty and breathtaking views of the area. And the best way to do it is on a UTV!
Choose an off road trail system ride, or a scenic tour of the Blue Ridge Parkway, or a tour of area landmarks, waterfalls, and historic sites. You can explore, shop, and eat your way through the area's unique mountain towns depending on your trip selection. There's something for everybody!